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Move and fight sedentary lifestyle!

Posted by Ana Maria Lajusticia USA on

Move and fight sedentary lifestyle!

On many occasions, we are so hooked on screens that we neglect to move enough, something essential for health. Therefore, if you want to take care of yourself, move and fight a sedentary lifestyle! It is a fact that practicing moderate physical activity at least 3 times a week, as well as an active daily life, favors the maintenance of our general health and intestinal motility. It even improves flexibility and bone quality, reducing the risk of fractures, injuries and some discomfort in the back, knees, contractures... Combined with the daily intake of Collagen with Magnesium (in the texture and...

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Tips to Adapt to Wintertime

Posted by Ana Maria Lajusticia USA on

Tips to Adapt to Wintertime

The time change is approaching, the day when our clocks will go back one hour during the early hours. This may worry you because it is usually associated with tiredness, poor performance, anxiety, sleep disturbances, mood and even appetite. That is why we are going to give you some tips to adapt to the winter schedule and to prepare yourself during these weeks and thus be able to cope with it in the best way when it happens, without it giving you "headaches". Why does the time change affect us? A time change of 1 to 3 hours causes a...

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Get back to the routine with enthusiasm!

Posted by Ana Maria Lajusticia USA on

Get back to the routine with enthusiasm!

You've been going to bed or waking up late for weeks, spending hours in a hammock or on the sofa, with your loved ones. Perhaps you have also visited many places and enjoyed their gastronomy, but everything has an end... it's time to get back to the routine! Getting back on track to return home, to resume work, studies or obligations usually costs a lot. Some people come to suffer from the famous post-holiday syndrome, based on sadness, decay and being overwhelmed by having to face tasks again and having less free time. So these tips will be very useful...

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Which Magnesium Should I Take?

Posted by Ana Maria Lajusticia USA on

Which Magnesium Should I Take?

Many of you often ask us the main differences between the types of magnesium, that mineral that has come to be on everyone's lips thanks to the great benefits it has shown for health and how common is magnesium deficit in today's society. First of all, it is important to be clear that all magnesium, once it interacts with the hydrochloric acid present in the stomach, is transformed into chloride in order to be assimilated. So today, we are going to solve doubts so that you know which Magnesium is most appropriate for you!   What is hydrochloric acid? Hydrochloric...

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Say Goodbye to Constipation!

Posted by Ana Maria Lajusticia USA on

Say Goodbye to Constipation!

  Do you suffer from constipation in times of travel, stress, or anxiety?   If so, surely this is not the first time you have heard that the intestine is our second brain. This statement arises from the close relationship that exists between the state of the intestinal microbiota and our physical, emotional, and mental well-being.   Generally, people with a tendency to constipation try a thousand remedies to try to solve it. However, it is important to monitor which methods we use because, among the wide variety of laxatives out there, some can cause long-term problems (loss of nutrients...

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