Our Blog — Collagen

Menopause under control: The Power of Isoflavones

Posted by Ana Maria Lajusticia USA on

Menopause under control: The Power of Isoflavones

Surely you have heard about soy isoflavones and their multiple benefits for women, especially in key stages such as menopause or during hormonal changes. In fact, it is possible that someone around you, whether a family member, friend or acquaintance, is taking them or has consumed them at some point to take advantage of their properties. What are they used for? How can they benefit you? How can you incorporate them into your diet? We solve all these doubts for you in today's article! What are isoflavones and how are they similar to estrogens?Advantages in female hormonal regulation and other...

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Cellulite: what it is and how to treat it

Posted by Ana Maria Lajusticia USA on

Cellulite: what it is and how to treat it

The natural and usual thing is to have cellulite. Yes, I'm sorry to be so clear, but it is a reality and that is why 98% of women suffer from it. Perhaps we should not say “suffers” but, rather, “has” cellulite. It is something normal and every woman, to a greater or lesser extent, has it in one or more parts of her body. Today we are going to address this topic, cellulite: what it is and how to treat it. Almost all women have cellulite, some more, others less, but we can always distinguish dimples and irregularities in areas...

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Have you heard about collagen in oral health? Discover its key function in the smile.

Posted by Ana Maria Lajusticia USA on

Have you heard about collagen in oral health? Discover its key function in the smile.

Collagen is a vital substance for our body that, with the passage of time, we need more and more. Whether because we do (or have done) a lot of sports, because our joints and bones begin to need reinforcement or to give our skin a boost, this supplement is a great ally. But there is more! Very attentive, because below we are going to explain the lesser-known benefits of hydrolyzed collagen. Everything you need to know about collagen As you know, collagen is the main component of the connective tissues that make up various parts of the body, as it...

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Everything You’ve Ever Wondered About Menopause

Posted by Ana Maria Lajusticia USA on

Everything You’ve Ever Wondered About Menopause

We have compiled the aspects that concern or interest you most about thistranscendental stage in a woman's life and, based of these concerns, we have created this Guide to Menopause that you can consult whenever you want. With it, you will know everything about: what menopause is (and early menopause), at what age it begins and ends, the symptoms of premenopause (hot flashes, anxiety, palpitations, fatigue), how to lose weight during menopause, whether or not pregnancy can occur during menopause, and the recommended supplements for menopause (evening primrose oil, vitamin E, isoflavones, etc.). This way, you will become an expert...

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How does Ana Maria Lajusticia's® collagen work on your hair?

Posted by Ana Maria Lajusticia USA on

How does Ana Maria Lajusticia's® collagen work on your hair?

Seasonal changes can contribute to hair loss due to reduced synthesis of endogenous melatonin. In the fall, days are shorter, and we are exposed to less sunlight, causing our bodies to produce a lower amount of this hormone. Melatonin not only regulates sleep cycles but is also linked to normal hair growth. If experiencing a period of high stress simultaneously, the problem is likely to worsen, as more hair enters its vital shedding phase. However, this is usually temporary and reversible. Why does hair fall out? To understand this process, it's essential to know the growth phases of hair within...

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