Everything Youā€™ve Ever Wondered About Menopause

Posted by Ana Maria Lajusticia USA on

We have compiled the aspects that concern or interest you most about this
transcendental stage in a woman's life and, based of these concerns, we have created this Guide to Menopause that you can consult whenever you want.

With it, you will know everything about: what menopause is (and early menopause), at what age it begins and ends, the symptoms of premenopause (hot flashes, anxiety, palpitations, fatigue), how to lose weight during menopause, whether or not pregnancy can occur during menopause, and the recommended supplements for menopause (evening primrose oil, vitamin E, isoflavones, etc.). This way, you will become an expert on the subject and will be able to manage this new stage in the best way possible.


Menopause is a physiological change that women experience due to hormonal changes that determine the permanent cessation of menstruation. In fact, it is
diagnosed twelve months after the last period. Typical physical and emotional symptoms can disrupt sleep, decrease energy or affect quality of life.

The climacteric is a transition period linked to the natural and progressive decrease in the activity of the sexual glands. It lasts for several years, before and after
the menopause. In most women it occurs between the ages of 40 and 50, and can last from 15 to 20 years, while the menopause occurs around the age of 45-55.

Due to hormonal changes, during this stage it is not possible to get pregnant naturally, although it could be possible in some cases through assisted reproduction techniques. On the other hand, if the symptoms appear before
the age of 40 it may be early menopause and then it is necessary to consult with our reference doctor to carry out a complete health study.

Fortunately, this process occurs at a time of life that is usually quite stable at a professional and personal level, thanks to the fact that we have acquired maturity, temperance, greater ability to organize ourselves and more self-confidence. This will serve as a basis for adapting to the new situation in the best possible way.

As for its duration, confirmation that menopause has come to an end coincides with the stabilization of hormonal fluctuations and the end of symptoms, around 60 or 65 years of age.


The decrease in estrogen levels in the blood is responsible for the appearance of the symptoms of menopause, which we detail below:


Sudden and uncomfortable hot flashes that interrupt daily life, sometimes frequently. To combat them, it is best to try to dress in light natural fabrics (such as linen or cotton, which breathe better) and avoid ultra-processed, spicy foods and heavy meals (as they influence body temperature). It is also advisable to do everything possible to maintain a low ambient temperature, either with fans, air conditioning, refreshing wipes or cold showers.Ā 

As the metabolism slows down, there is usually a weight gain derived from a build-up of fat in the abdominal area (instead of being deposited in the hips and thighs, as until now), which is closely related to a greater risk of suffering from cardiovascular diseases or Metabolic Syndrome, among others. However, the additional reduction in physical exercise and leading a more sedentary life are the most determining factors in this typical weight gain (which is around 5-10 kg on average).
The key to avoiding it is to adapt the number of calories you consume to your daily energy expenditure. If you have doubts in this regard, it is best to put yourself in the hands of a qualified nutritionist who can advise you individually.

Hormonal imbalances are also linked to sleeping problems, general fatigue and anxiety, since serotonin and melatonin levels can be altered, in addition to the fact that the process of adapting to and overcoming these symptoms is not easy and it is normal for it to affect us in this sense. But don't worry, everything comes and everything goes. Try to apply some simple tips, such as exercising regularly and always going to bed and getting up at the same time (to sleep better and have a good rest). In short, always prioritize yourself and seek help if necessary.

Cartilage and bones tend to weaken over the years, especially in women and during menopause, particularly in those who do not take good care of their diet or who do not have an active life. Specifically, low levels of estrogen can affect the lubrication of the joints and cause inflammation, stiffness and pain, most frequently in the hands and feet. On the other hand, the knees, elbows or cervical vertebrae can also be affected, causing difficulty in movement and a decrease in the quality of life.

In addition to seeking to alleviate the symptoms, try to provide the body with the necessary nutrients to strengthen the bones/ joints and tone your muscles so that they act as support, as we suggest a little further down.

Dryness of the mucous membranes and skin, deterioration of the nails and hair, or weakening of the pelvic floor may also occur, favoring the appearance of problems such as urinary incontinence or pain during sexual relations. Although these symptoms are less common, we recommend consulting a specialist and taking the necessary actions to minimize them from the start.

Keep in mind that proper nutrition can greatly influence your health and
how you feel.

To help you prevent or solve possible common nutritional deficiencies, at Ana Maria LajusticiaĀ® we have the following dietary supplements:
a.Ā Ā ISOFLAVONES with Magnesium and Vitamin E:
Ideal for balancing the hormonal changes typical of menopause and reducing the aforementioned symptoms.
It contributes to hormonal regulation and to improving circulation, varicose veins and tired legs.
It produces a DETOX effect that helps eliminate liquids and toxins. It improves the appearance of the skin and cellulite. It also accelerates the metabolism and stimulates weight loss when combined with slimming diets and regular physical exercise.
It helps strengthen bones, skin, hair and joints, slowing their deterioration even in cases of osteoarthritis or osteoporosis.
Ā We hopeĀ this guide will be useful and to your liking, because we love to inform you and guide into everything that influences your health.

Save thisĀ articleĀ to have the guide at hand whenever you need it!

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