How does Ana Maria Lajusticia's® collagen work on your hair?

Posted by Ana Maria Lajusticia USA on

Seasonal changes can contribute to hair loss due to reduced synthesis of endogenous melatonin. In the fall, days are shorter, and we are exposed to less sunlight, causing our bodies to produce a lower amount of this hormone. Melatonin not only regulates sleep cycles but is also linked to normal hair growth. If experiencing a period of high stress simultaneously, the problem is likely to worsen, as more hair enters its vital shedding phase. However, this is usually temporary and reversible.

Why does hair fall out?

To understand this process, it's essential to know the growth phases of hair within its renewal cycle: the growth phase (anagen), the transition phase (catagen), and the resting phase (telogen).

1. Growth phase or anagen

This is the predominant and longest stage, lasting between 2 and 7 years, where hair is born and grows. The cells of the hair follicle are permanently active, and hair growth is linear.

2. Transition phase or catagen

This is the moment when hair stops growing and prepares to fall out due to the cessation of follicle cell activity. It lasts between 3 and 6 weeks.

3. Resting phase or telogen

This occurs when hair starts to fall out (taking 2-3 months), but its root remains in the follicle. Thus, at the end of this stage, the hair cycle begins anew.

It's important to note that hair is sensitive to external and internal factors. In some individuals, the proportion of hairs in the telogen phase may increase due to seasonal changes and stress. However, as the body adapts, the hair growth cycle usually returns to normal in most cases.

Also, certain nutrients directly influence the condition of bodily tissues, including hair. One such nutrient is collagen, as detailed below:


What is collagen?

Collagen is an exclusively animal-derived protein, the most abundant in the human body. In fact, one in every three bodily proteins is collagen. It is synthesized by connective tissue cells to create and support flexible fibers and tissues with variable diameter and organization (such as bones, hair, ligaments, skin, or organ membranes).

It consists of chains of three amino acids that fit together, forming helical chains rich in proline, lysine, and glycine, crucial for the superhelix structure of collagen. Additionally, certain nutrients in the body help complete and reinforce the collagen matrix: vitamin C, zinc, copper, manganese, and magnesium.

Collagen hydrolysate (CH) is the assimilable form of collagen protein, obtained through gelatinization and subsequent enzymatic hydrolysis of native collagen from tissues rich in this protein. The amino acid composition of hydrolyzed collagen is identical to that of collagen of origin, but it can reach tissues and provide its benefits. The main benefits of collagen include:

  • Reduced joint pain and stiffness.
  • Faster recovery from wounds and surgeries.
  • Increased muscle mass when combined with exercise.
  • Increased bone mineral density.
  • Lower risk of injuries.

Scientifically, significant improvement has been demonstrated in patients with joint conditions, such as knee osteoarthritis, cruciate ligament injury, ankle instability, or any joint discomfort.

Another essential role of collagen with magnesium is as a nutricosmetic. These are recommended dietary supplements from the age of 25-30 (when human cells gradually reduce their ability to synthesize collagen) to help individuals feel better inside and reflect it outside by slowing down dermal aging. Collagen for the skin leads to improvements in hydration, elasticity, echogenicity, firmness, and skin density, along with a decrease in wrinkle formation, pigmentation, and blackheads.

The effectiveness of collagen supplements in the appearance of hair has also been determined by a significant improvement in density, strength, and hair growth when combined with appropriate care. Therefore, they are highly recommended during seasonal changes or busy periods.

You can choose the approach that best suits your personal preferences. However, remember that for all these tips for preventing hair damage to be effective, it is essential to start with a balanced and healthy diet. This ensures the proper intake of all the necessary nutrients to promote the health and good condition of tissues. Keep in mind that everyone's hair is different, and improvement times may vary.

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