Get back to the routine with enthusiasm!

Posted by Ana Maria Lajusticia USA on - Sesion 5. My daily Routine

You've been going to bed or waking up late for weeks, spending hours in a hammock or on the sofa, with your loved ones. Perhaps you have also visited many places and enjoyed their gastronomy, but everything has an end... it's time to get back to the routine!

Getting back on track to return home, to resume work, studies or obligations usually costs a lot.

Some people come to suffer from the famous post-holiday syndrome, based on sadness, decay and being overwhelmed by having to face tasks again and having less free time. So these tips will be very useful for you to return to your routine with enthusiasm after the holidays.

How to return to the routine with enthusiasm

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The key is to start with a good attitude. Having negative thoughts or dwelling on the fact that you can no longer continue doing the same thing as on vacation, will only make the situation worse. Try to see the glass as half full and focus on all the good things that you also have in your routine: having a job, being more active, feeling productive, meeting up with your colleagues, the coffee you drink at breaks, going to the gym or shopping together...

Gratitude for what you have will help you value the positive parts of life more. At the same time, avoid surrounding yourself with toxic news or relationships, achieving strong and healthy relationships with others that will make you feel that you have good support in case you need it, on sad or troubled days.

To make it more bearable, during the first days of your reincorporation cover the most important things, plan realistic goals daily and keep your mind busy. Creating a new project helps a lot to return with enthusiasm to the routine after the holidays, consider it. Also, now you have a fresh mind and that will contribute to creativity and motivation. It sure is a success!


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Once again, the second most important thing is to take care of your diet and move enough. There are many people who in periods of sadness, boredom or stress feel emotional hunger, that is, a certain feeling of anxiety about food in general or about some foods that are usually of low nutritional quality: milk chocolate, potato chips, bag, sweets, sausage... Avoid this and go back to a healthy diet and lose those kilos that we usually gain in summer due to excesses.

Also worry about feeding your Nervous System with complex carbohydrates, tryptophan, B vitamins, iron and polyunsaturated fatty acids. Tryptophan is an essential amino acid that helps in the production and maintenance of proteins, muscles, enzymes and neurotransmitters such as serotonin, also called the ā€œhappiness hormoneā€. For this reason, 2 daily tablets of the food supplement Tryptophan with Magnesium and Vitamin B6. They will help our emotional balance, being more lively and relaxed during this time of year. If something as basic as having a restful sleep is difficult for you, then choose the variety with Melatonin!

In addition to eating well, it is proven that sport is a great help to improve mood, by regulating stress hormones. High levels of stress put our bodies to the test because they make us feel in a state of constant alertness that requires a lot of energy and exhausts us. As a consequence, we can develop physical and psychological problems, such as difficulty concentrating, sleep disorders or digestive problems. Regular exercise helps manage stress, enlarges the chambers of the heart, improves blood pressure, helps control blood sugar levels and reduces decay. Thus, combining aerobic work with moderate daily exercises will make you a happier person.


Do not forget about self-care, trying to be in balance inside. When you leave work, spend less time on technology and always seek to connect with reality, resorting to activities that motivate you and make you grow personally, and relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing, yoga or meditation, which help reduce blood pressure, muscle tension and stress.

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And if you're having a bad day, just accept the negative emotions. Learning not to punish ourselves for making mistakes or feeling weak is related to a lower probability of suffering from anxiety, depression or low self-esteem, which is why it helps us take care of our mental health. It is about not stressing, about returning to the routine progressively, without side effects along the way. Plan realistically and without getting overwhelmed if you don't achieve all your goals from the start. Who does what he can, is not obliged to do more!


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