Differences between Osteoarthritis and Arthritis

Posted by Ana Maria Lajusticia USA on

It is very common for us to confuse the terms "osteoarthritis" and "arthritis", due to their similar phonetics and because both terms refer to joint problems. Therefore, today we are going to help you differentiate them:
Osteoarthritis consists of the wear and tear of the articular cartilage, which causes practically direct friction between the bones, especially in the hands, knees, hips, and cervical/lumbar spine. It causes pain, creaking, deformity and stiffness when performing even daily movements, since cartilage is an essential shock absorber for the proper functioning of the joint.
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Said wear is associated in part with aging, but also with overexertion caused by the frequent practice of certain physical exercises or work with repetitive movements. The deficit of nutrients to regenerate the cartilage or an incorrect combination of them is also decisive for the development of this problem.
To prevent or help regenerate cartilage, it is essential to eat a healthy and balanced diet, such as the Mediterranean Diet, based on foods of plant origin (fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and legumes), olive oil, lean meats, and fish. , that provide enough protein, magnesium and vitamin C to synthesize collagen. Without forgetting the Collagen with magnesium supplements from Ana Maria Lajusticia, which provide type 1 and 2 hydrolyzed collagen in the amount necessary for the maintenance and regeneration of joints, bones and other body tissues.
Arthritis of the Knee - OrthoInfo - AAOS
On the other hand, arthritis is an inflammation that affects the synovial membrane, in which the synovial fluid is not reabsorbed correctly and causes erosion of the bone and cartilage. It is usually due to germs that reach the joint, autoimmune diseases (rheumatoid arthritis), trauma or accumulated crystal deposits (gout).
The location of the arthritis will depend on its origin: for example, rheumatoid arthritis attacks the wrists and fingers more, and gout affects the feet, ankles, and knees.
While osteoarthritis causes more pain when moving the joint and usually improves with rest, in arthritis the pain is constant and the joints are hot and swollen. In addition, it is usually accompanied by weight loss, fatigue, fever...
Getting the right nutrients (anti-inflammatories) can help alleviate arthritis symptoms as well as maintain a healthy weight. Foods with omega 3 fatty acids such as oily fish, seeds or nuts; Vitamin A (yellow/orange/green fruits and vegetables, fish, eggs), C (oranges, kiwis, tomatoes, peppers), E (vegetable oils, nuts, seeds), K (green leafy vegetables) and minerals such as Zinc (meats, nuts, legumes), reduce inflammation throughout the body and can help delay the progression of the disease. However, eating excess red meat and processed foods high in sugar and fat worsens arthritis symptoms, as well as predisposing the body to other chronic diseases.
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Finally, it should be noted that physical activity is also crucial in individuals with arthritis to help reduce pain and stiffness. It's important to do gentle stretching every day, as well as gradual muscle-strengthening exercises, including low-impact aerobic exercises like walking, swimming, yoga, or bicycling. In this way, in parallel, the mood will improve and we will control the weight, to help preserve the health of bones, joints, tissues and the body in general.

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